Ayurveda has two treatment methods ,
-Shodhana ( expelling dosha from body through natural or man made openings) and
-Shamana ( pacifying vitiated humor by means of medicines)
Shodana and Shamana are equally important in Ayurveda. In Shodhana therapy vitiated humors are expelled forcefully out of the channels and in Shamana therapy the vitiated humors are pacified using medicines, without expelling it out of the body.
Above five treatment methods are called as Pancha Vidha Sodhana. In Pancha Karma , instead of Rakta Moksha (blood letting ) of Pancha Vidha Shodana, Sneha vasthi ( Medicated oil enema) is added.
Pancha Karma hasVamana is used in case of diseases having vitiation of Kapha in excess. Virechana is a method of treatment used for expelling vitiated Pitta dosha out of the body. Medications are used orally for achieving the emesis and purgation in case Banana and Virechana respectively. Kashaya vasthi and Sneha vasthi are Ayurvedic enemas used in eliminating the vitiated Vata dosha from the channels. The vitiation above shoulder is treated with the help of Nasya treatment.
Pancha Vidha Shodana and Pancha Karma are performed after proper preparatory measures called Snehana ( Internal as well as external oleation ) and Svedana ( Sudation). The procedures like Abhyana (oil massage on body ) , Kizhi (medicine bags application on body) and Sirodhara ( pouring of medicated oil in a proper pendulum motion over the forehead) and medicated steam bath( with oil applied on exposed surface of body) are some of the popular treatment procedures of Ayurveda. Abhyanga , Kizhi,, Sirodhara Kativasthi (hip joint treatment with oil stagnation), Januvasthi ( knee joint treatment with oil stagnation) and medicated steam bath are the combination of Oleation and Sudation done at the same time. Udwartana ( powder massage) and Churna pinda sweda ( medicated powder bag massage) are examples of giving dry heat for pacifying pain and associated symptoms. Pancha vidha shodana and Panchakarma helps in complete expelling of vitiated humors from the body and mind.
AK Ayurvedic clinic, a known name in Ayurvedic Science, with years of experience is excelling in treating patients with high success rates. Dr. Andrew Jacob, along with our specialists of AK Ayurvedic clinic are highly specialized in the applied aspects of Shodhana therapy of Ayurveda with a good number of successfully treated cases.
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